Friday, September 9, 2016

TFMP Channel Is Gowing

     So their is all kinds of version of TV or advertising for TV. COX Cable has been around for many years in the TV industry. TV is also a type of fashion trend as well as trend setter.  TFMP Channel has always been a growing network.  TFMP Channel can also been seen working with other companies like Starbucks, Turner Enterprises Entertainment, Caesars Entertainment, Target, VH1, COX Cable, Elliott Evan, Sears, MTV, Walt Disney, CMT and so on.  We also have new products and more fashion to come.

TFMP Channel Products
TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions

TFMP Channel COX Cable

        TFMP Channel is a part of many networking companies.  TFMP Channel has been working on some new film projects.  There are many new movies, TV show and more lined up. Not only for COX Cable, but on other networks as well. We also are COX Cables advertising team and more. Marketing is important when it comes to any company. Here you can see new products and older products that our company as well as team partners have created.

TFMP Channel
TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

TFMP Channel your fashion network

       TFMP Channel is on the move with our films and products!  Thanks everyone for tuning in to TFMP Channel also a cable network with COX Cable and more. This is your high end fashion channel. You can find old and new products, but mostly new. You can also find fashion and action shows to fit your needs.  Fashion is also was on  the move as we always say.  TFMP Channel has a lot in store for you our views and dated giveaways, so stay posted for the next ones.

TFMP Channel