Monday, January 12, 2015

TFMP Channel Partnered with CoX Cable

        TFMP Channel, TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions has partner with Cox Cable Network and more. This was a great expunction for  TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions also known as  TFMP Channel.  There will be all new shows along with shows that have not been seen on TV, but are known for there block buster hits or store shelf movie/television hit shows in the entertainment industry's markets and it the take over!!! This is a positive move for the fashion industry designers, schools, store resale's or vendors teams who like to advertise or market their items on a global network and channel. Also TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions fashion design line products as well as other fashion designers companies products will be show cased in a sales formulation and just well regular acting and ore to come your way. Look for new and fun commercial lines with TFMP Channel, Cox Cable and other contracted companies who have joined to bring up the fashion channel each step of the way!!!

Thank you,
TFMP Channel,
TaeWannaPlay Fashion Merchandising Productions
and more

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